The LavaBox Manifesto
LavaBox Portable Campfire is more than a radical fire pit that spews forth burning goodness for the whole world to admire. We are hardcore outdoor enthusiasts on a mission to save our favorite place—the wilderness—and to create a high-quality firepit that works for our lifestyle.
Let’s unpack that a little:
- Yes really, we are pretty dang hardcore about our love for the outdoors and outdoor sports. We are kayakers, rafters, vanlifers, hunters, anglers, canoeists, skiers, telers, snowboarders, motorcyclists, climbers, MTBers, river surfers, overlanders, whitewater SUPers…you name it, we LOVE it! We just want to be outside doing fun stuff!
- We are on a MISSION! We live in Colorado and every year we contend with massive forest fires and heart-breaking destruction. We are on a mission to curb the annihilation of our favorite playgrounds.
- We are CRAZY about quality! We want you to have the best because we like the best. The Golden rule rules. We are hell-bent on creating something tough and useful, dammit!
- It’s gotta fit us and our lives. It has to work right every time. That’s how outdoor gear is supposed to work because it has to. Full stop.

The LavaBox Ethos

We take two things very seriously: Big Ass Fires and Giving Back. Doing what's right is just in our DNA.
LavaBox Portable Campfire will donate $1 to Protect Our Rivers for every order.
Protect Our Rivers works to make a lasting impact on river health through active conservation, education, and access. We organize river cleanups across Colorado and beyond, and provide hands-on educational tools to teach young river stewards about micro-trash and pollution, rural and urban watersheds, principles of Leave No Trace, and human-caused problems rivers face today. Our organization is driven by the belief that everyone has the power to make a difference and that difference matters. Our programs connect people to rivers and empower them to take action, with the hope that our work will have a long-lasting impact on river health, and we can pass forward the resources and experiences rivers provide us all.
Find out more about Protect Our Rivers HERE.