LavaBox Portable Campfire
Get our single-burner stainless steel Hekla for a super low price! Why are we closing out the solo Hekla? Because we are making room for the new dual-burner Hekla!
The Hekla includes:
12 Hades Stones- Our ultra-light ceramic weave insulating stones that can get greasy and wet – Not your ordinary lava rock!
Steel-braided regulator and hose with safety cut-off valve
280,000BTUs of fire breathing madness
A direct flight on the Bifrost. Happy transcending!
*Product Dimensions: (Length) 11 inches x (Width) 5.5 inches x (Height) 7 inches
*Weight: 8.5lbs
*It will patina and change color over time and will be a spectacular marvel of chemistry!
*Please allow 4-6 biz days for our “team” (Rumpelstiltskin's entire extended family) to build your box and get it out the door. They are not as fast on LavaBoxes as they are on the spinning wheel.
Hot Takes!
The crazy stuff people say about LavaBox.